Friday, October 30, 2015

To sum up the class I have been taking in Google Apps for Education, I would have to say it has been hectic.  It is a lot of work trying to teach full time, recovering from near death and take a class of my own.  I have really enjoyed it, but even though I am computer saavy, I have a lot to learn in GAFE.  So, I will keep on playing with the apps and finding ways to use them in my class and my personal life.  Right now, the most valuable app to me is the Calendar!!  I could not live without this.  I love the notifications to remind me what I am supposed to be doing each day.  Part of my health issue is memory loss due to lack of oxygen and this calendar has been a savior.  I think I will also use this with my elderly parent to help her remember things.

I really like the idea of Classroom, but am still having issues with students sending in blank assignments.  I will have this all figured out by the new quarter because I really want to use it.
Trying to stay alive in Google Apps!

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